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Granite Falls Little League

Granite Falls Little League


Steps to Becoming a Granite Falls Little League Coach:

Volunteers are not allowed on the field or in dugouts without a completed background check on file and completing the required training with the Granite Falls Little League. If you are interested in helping on the field or dugout, see steps below.

If you are not interested in becoming a Manager, Coach or Team Parent and would just like to help out on the field or in the dugout, you must follow the steps found in our Volunteer's Corner: Steps to becoming a Volunteer

1. Complete your Online Registration: Registration 

2. Complete the annual required Abuse Awareness Training (online at no cost): Little League Abuse Awareness Training

3. Complete the annual Concussion and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Training (online at no cost): Concussion in Sports Training and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Training

4. Complete the Diamond Leader Training Program (online at no cost, one-time): Diamond Leader Training Program

5. Review the GFLL Rules of Participation and Play: Granite Falls Little League Rules

6. Attend and complete all mandatory Coach's Training. Please refer to Date to Remember on the Home Page for important upcoming dates. 

7. You will receive an email from a company called JDPThis is the Background Screening Company that Little League International utilizes to screen all volunteers. Please follow the instruction in that email to complete your Background Check.

As a volunteer you will not be assigned to a team, or allowed to participate in any volunteer activities until you have completed all seven steps above. 

If you have any questions about baseball coaching, please contact our Vice President of Baseball, [Currently Vacant], [email protected].

If you have any questions about softball coaching, please contact our Vice President of Softball, Ashley Hoge, [email protected].




Granite Falls Little League
PO Box 1191 
Granite Falls, Washington 98252

Phone: 843-789-0890
Email: [email protected]

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