Granite Falls Little League thrives because of the dedication and support of our amazing volunteers! There are countless ways to get involved and make a difference, whether it’s coaching a team, umpiring games, helping in the concession stand, assisting with field maintenance, or serving on the Board of Directors. Volunteering is a fantastic opportunity to contribute to your community, support our players, and be part of an incredible team dedicated to creating a positive and fun experience for everyone. No matter your skills or availability, there’s a place for you in our league. Join us in making this season unforgettable—together, we can create something truly special!
Being a Coach, Assistant Coach, Team Manager, or Team Score Keeper:
Being a manager or coach requires time, patience, and basic knowledge of the game of baseball. You may be required to attend meetings, instructional sessions, or seminars. You will communicate with the parents/guardians of your players to inform them of any schedule changes, rainouts, and Little League events and activities.
As a manager or coach, you have more interaction with young people than anyone else in Little League. Therefore, it is important that you understand the goals and virtues of the Little League program in order to effectively communicate them to your players. To gain a better understanding of what those goals and virtues are, visit Little League's homepage or speak with our Granite Falls Little League President.
Being an Umpire:
Aside from calling ball or strike, safe or out, umpires are responsible for teaching players good sportsmanship and the rules of the game. Umpires are also called upon to interpret rules and help settle minor disputes that may occur during games.
Most Little League games have one home plate umpire and a minimum of one field umpire. Before becoming a home plate umpire you may be required to participate in training sessions and seminars.
While home plate umpires are scheduled well in advance, field umpires are often determined minutes before the game begins. As you arrive at your child's game, your coach or the home plate umpire may ask you to be the field umpire. When you agree, your main responsibilities are to call plays on the bases, determine if balls are fair or foul, and assist the home plate umpire with other calls.
Selling Concessions:
Because all Little League playing facilities are different, the responsibilities of a concession stand volunteer vary by league. The job may simply involve standing behind a counter and filling orders, or it may require that you buy, prepare, transport and/or store various concessions.
Helping with Field Maintenance:
In some cases, your local Little League is required to maintain the fields that your child plays on. As a part of the field maintenance crew, your skills and abilities may be used to mow grass, line fields, rake dirt, and execute minor repairs on fences, benches and bleachers.
Helping with Special Projects:
Bring your skills and experience to help the league accomplish special projects like updating the scoreboards, roof repair, replacing doors and railings on the scoring booths, enhancing the field facilities.
Again, no matter your skills or availability, there’s a place for you in our league. Join us in making this season unforgettable—together, we can create something truly special!